2024 New Election Devices

We will have two new election devices to streamline our election process. The first is our E-Poll Pad which replaces our paper check-in process. You will still provide your State-issued identification and after confirmation of your information, you will get a receipt that you will then hand over to receive your ballot. 
The ballots you receive will look different:
  • The Town ballot will be one full page of paper with the amendment on the bottom.
  • The School ballot will be a separate piece of paper.
We now have a Ballot Counting Machine (VotingWorks) so you will feed each page into the machine to be counted.
These machines will provide a more efficient check-in, and reconciliation which will eliminate the need for our numerous hand-count volunteers.
We aim to have an accurate and timely count completed at the end of the Election day.
Town Elections
Tuesday, March 12th
@ the Whitney Community Center
Polls open from 8 am to 7 pm
Sample ballots can be found online at: