PD on Handicapped Parking Conflicts

Good Morning Jackson!
Recently, we became aware of a handicap parking conflict in town by way of a social media post.  The facts, were to say the least, distressing.  The story that was described involved a hurried traveler parking somewhat randomly so that a designated handicapped spot was partially blocked.  This occurred at a local restaurant here in Jackson.  A person who was using an adjacent handicapped spot mentioned this to the driver, to no avail.  The errant driver replied that she was “only going to be a minute”, and did not move.  This is frustrating not only because handicapped spots are reserved only for placarded handicapped drivers and passengers, but that the person was made aware of the error and took no corrective action.
We made contact with the victim and gathered some facts which included a picture of the offenders registration.  We felt that enforcement would be the right decision in light of the nature of the offense.  However, our ability to enforce this conflict was stymied due to the fact that the handicapped spot was not posted in compliance with New Hampshire law.
NH RSA 265:73-a “Parking Signs; Disabled” requires that disability parking spots “SHALL be marked by a sign affixed to a post or a building.”  This requirement demands the businesses or private property that have these spaces, comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 regulations, which include handicapped signs on posts or buildings.  Although a painted sign on the surface of the lot is helpful, we as an agency cannot enforce handicap violations that do not display a corresponding sign.
 If you are a business owner locally, please take a minute to evaluate your current parking scheme and ensure that there are adequate spots for the “otherwise abled” among us AND that proper signage is in place. This gives us the ability to protect those that need it the most while they are here in Jackson.
Chief Chris Perley
Jackson Police Department