Old Library: Jackson/Bartlett Grief Group

Event Date: 
Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 2:00pm


PARTNER/SPOUSE & ADULT FAMILY MEMBER LOSS: Will meet once per month. This group will focus on partner/spouse loss, although it is also a safe place for those experiencing loss of a parent or other adult relation. Currently we’re using the 1pm, Wednesday time slot at old red library in Jackson. Upcoming dates: 1pm on Wed, OCT. 25th  and NOV 29th. 

CHILD LOSS GROUP: Will meet once per month. Specifically for household  who has experienced the death of a child of any age (minor or adult). Currently we’re using the 1pm, Wednesday time slot. Upcoming dates: 1pm on Wed,  NOV 8th. 

At this point, new participants are welcome through word-of-mouth or referrals. We’ll meet as consistently as possible. You don’t have to attend every session. On the other hand, knowing that folks will gather helps make sure the group can be present to support each other. If you cannot make an upcoming gathering, please let email or text to let the group know: gaildoktor@mac.com, cell: 978.273.0308. We will offer each group as long as the community need continues. 
Both groups are free, and open to the community. Rev. Gail Doktor, trained as a hospice chaplain, will facilitate. Pass along this info to anyone whom you know, who might need such a support network. We’re operating word of mouth and enews only. One caution: if a family is newly-bereaved (the death happened within the past 6 weeks), it’s usually too soon to attend this group. After about 6 weeks, such gatherings can be more beneficial (based on best practices of hospice-facilitated grief groups). 
Questions should be directed by text or voicemail to Rev Gail's cell: 9078.273.0308. Thank you! — Rev Gail Doktor, gaildoktor@mac.com, cell: 978.273.0308

SACO RIVER VALLEY GRASP - Grief Recovery After Substance Passing 
 (Death, suicide or overdose-involved death that involves or was associated with substance use).
Saco River Valley GRASP Chapter: Contact Person: Kelly Forrest, Email Address: memakelly4@gmail.com, Primary Phone Number: (603) 726-1025.
that is ongoing in the valley via zoom. It is facilitated by Sue Davidson, retired nurse and retired pastor of Center Conway’s United Methodist Church and currently the VNA’a hospice chaplain. This 'living with loss’ group is free, but you need to obtain info through the VNA. 

WHEN: Wednesdays, 5:30pm to 6:30pm

WHERE: Groups meet via Zoom. To get your Zoom log in information or to confirm group dates and times, please contact VNHCH’s hospice chaplain Sue Davidson: suedavidson@roadrunner.com. No registration necessary; free and open to the public.