11/5/2020 - Jackson Voter Information

 We had a few people asking about the increase of voter numbers here in Jackson so we compiled a few numbers for comparison. The increase does reflect some new folks to town but also more involvement!

1. What % of Jackson voters voted by absentee ballot this year?  32%
2. What % increase was this over past years?  39.4%
3. What % of eligible voters participated Nov 3rd  79%
Total Registered voters in 2016 & 2020

February 2016                    March 2016                    September 2016           November 2016
875                                       856                                 859                                      898
February 2020                  March 2020                  September 2020          November 2020
934                                     958                                   982                                         1028                                                                                                      
Thanks to all who participated- whether volunteering or voting – or both!
Karen Burton
Gloria Hutchings