Zoning Board of Adjustment

Board Members

Board Members

Name Title
Frank Benesh Chair (2026)
Dave Mason Member (2026)
Huntley Allen Member (2027)
David Matesky Member (2027)
James Wasco Member (2025)

Jackson Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen for a term of three years. "The ZBA's primary role is to interpret the terms of the zoning ordinance as enacted by the municipality. It seeks to interpret the purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance in the public interest, while at the same time protecting individual property owners from unfairness and hardship in the application of zoning regulations".

The ZBA may grant variances and hear appeals of any decision of an administrative official that is based on an interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance.

"The Town Meeting, in passing the ordinance and map has already decided what zoning controls it believes to be best for the municipality and has determined what restrictions will be applied. The board of adjustment must act within the limits set by the ordinance and map and cannot enlarge, restrict or disregard these limits. In making its determinations, it is important that the Board consider the relationship between the Zoning Ordinance and the Master Plan".

The Board of Adjustment also acts as a Building Code Board of Appeals pursuant to the Jackson Building Ordinance.

The Board of Adjustment may also grant variances to zoning ordinances for a person or persons having a recognized physical disability, which may be granted for as long as the particular person has need to use the premises.

RSA 674:41, II authorizes appeals of administrative decisions to the Board of Adjustment relative to permits to build on class VI roads, other unapproved private roads, or where access to a parcel is solely by easement.

Appeals and Requests for Rehearing - Appeals of Administrative Decisions and Requests for a Rehearing of a ZBA decision must be filed within 30 days of the decision being appealed. See Appeal of Administrative Decision for more information.

ZBA FORMS - Application forms to request a ZBA hearing are available online CLICK HERE.

ZBA Manual - To better understand the process and the criteria by which the ZBA makes decision please review the: The Board of Adjustment in New Hampshire - A Handbook for Local Officials.

IMPORTANT NOTICE  - Jackson Board of Adjustment By-Laws state that information from the applicant and/or his representative must be provided to the Board no less than 7 calendar days prior to the date of the public hearing. In addition, all applications, exhibits, and motions must also be submitted in electronic form as well as paper copy. Where required, abutter lists with addresses are to be supplied on labels (3 copies of each abutter) on Avery label form 5160/8160 or equivalent (1" x 2 5/8").

Alternate members are selected by the Chairman to vote in the absence of a regular member, based on rotation and seniority as indicated above. See ZBA By-Laws for more details.

Board of Adjustment Meetings - The Board of Adjustment meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, as needed. The Annual Meeting is the 3rd Wednesday in January. The meetings are often streamed live here where archived videos of recent prior meetings may also be found.